The Publisher Module

The Publisher is a module made to publish your web application. It is composed of two pannels: on the left the maps list and on the right the configurations tabs.

App map

Maps List

If you click on a map name from the list, the Publisher module will reload using the map you choosen and giving the capability to change the configuration and publish again.

Configuration tabs

Options you are able to set in the Publisher interface are grouped by tabs, you should click on one of the following icons, to acces the parameters.


Every modification made to the any tabs require that you press the Publish button to save your modifications.




General configuration icon


General configuration

Layout settings icon


Layout configuration

Layers settings icon


Layers configuration

Map settings icon


Map Configuration

Control settings icon


Tools Configuration

General configuration

Per default, it the activated tab, the settings you can made are listed below.



Project name

The Project name (cannot be modified informative)

Project Title

The title displayed in the published application

Access privileges

Define access privileges

Classify in theme

You can group your layers per themes

Project URL

Display l’URL of the published application


Set the language of the published application


Metadata information for the published project


Metadata information for the published project


Metadata information for the published project


Metadata information for the published project


The Description field is set using the WISIWYG editor seen previously, its value will be used to define the abstract metadata information.

Layout configuration

By choosing the layout, you decide the way elements will be displayed in the final application. You are invited to first choose the Fullscreen option.

App logo modification

Layers configuration

Base layers

The base layers are optional, you can display only one prorietary base layer per project. Once you select one proprietary option (Google, Bing or IGN) you have access to the list of available base layers.

By using the Default option, you can choose amongst the activated base layers the one to use per default.

Note that you can use your own published project as base layers. Indeed once a MapMint project is published, the setup of mapcache was automatically made with all the layers defined as activated per dafult in the project.

App layers configuration


You can use *Ctrl*+Click to select multiple base layers from a list.

Overlays configuration

You are invited to set all layers as Raster and as Activated.

You are now invited to activate the popup option for the new_poi_names_wake layer and set it as Vector.




Activate the popup to be displayed when a user move his mouse on top of a feature


Activate the popup to be displayed when a user click on a feature


Display the layer as vector (WFS)


Display the layer as raster (WMS)


Define if the layer is activated per default

Min Zoom

Define the minimum scale from which the layer should be displayed (same for labels)

Max Zoom

Define the maximum scale until which the layer should be displayed (same for labels)


Définit les groupes d’utilisateurs autorisés à consulter la couche

Map Configuration

In the Map Configuration pannel, selecting a layer in the list on the right of the table, automatically update the extent on the corresponding row.



Display Project Système

Define the SRS used to display mouse position

Render Method

Define the OpenLayer renderer (SVG or Canvas)

Unit of Measure

Define the unit of measure used to display measure tools informations

Default extent

Define the extent used per default when loading the application

Minimum extent

Define the minimum extent for the application

Maximum extent

Define the maximum extent for the application

Restricted extent

You can check this option to strictly restrict the extent to the one defined as maximum extent

App map configuration

Tools Configuration

In this section you can activate tools which will be available from the published application.

App Controls configuration

You are invited to select the following options:

  • Pan

  • Zoom Box

  • Zoom to max extent

  • Profile tool

  • Mouse position

  • Search Box

Sélectionnez la valeur None pour les outils d’analyse spatiale.


Use Ctrl + Click to add multiple tools at the same time.

Other tools



Overview Map

Display an overview map

Pan and Zoom

Display a zoom slider


Display a scalebar

Search Box

Display a search engine

Mouse position

Display the geographical position corresponding to the mouse

Add layer

Give capbility to add layer from the Overlays map

Add WMS layer

Give capability to add layer from WMS setup in the Distiller


Search Box should be activated only if one layer as been defined with the Search and Query option checked in the layer properties window.

Publish an application

Publish and preview

Once you have made all the settings required, you can publish application by clicking on the Publish button on top of the right pannel. Then, you can preview your project by clicking on the Preview button.

Access the map publicly

To access the map publicly, use the link MapMint Client on your Desktop or direclty use the following link: http:localhost/mapmint/ui/public/Sample1.

If you move mouse on top of a green points, you should see the popup window you created in the previoues section.

App map

To use the Profile tool, first click on the Profile button, then draw a line on the map, once your line is finished double click on the end position and you will see the elevation profile displayed.

App map

To use the search engine, type few letter in the text field and wait for the list of available featured displayed, then click on one in the list to zoom on it.