User Management

The User Management section lets you create, edit and delete users and user groups.

The page is divided into two tabs, “Users” and “Groups”. Clicking on the title of the tab causes the display of the corresponding table.

Gestion des utilisateur vue d'ensemble

Each tab has the same toolbar having three buttons described below.


Ajout d'un utilisateur

Displays the form to add a user / group

Édition d'un utilisateur

Displays the edit form of a user / group

Suppression d'un utilisateur

Displays the removal of a user form / Group

Add User

To add a new user, please click on the “Add” button on the left of the toolbar. This causes the display to add a user form. Please complete all fields and click on the “Add” button.

Formulaire d'ajout d'un utilisateur




Sets the user name for identification


Sets the name for the user profile

First name

Sets the name of the user profile


Sets the password for identification


Sets Electronic address of the user profile


Specifies the user profile of the phone number


Sets / group(s) User


All fields are required to create the user account.


Check the rights necessary for the user and assign a group.


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The phone supports the field type values +33100000000

Edit user

To edit a user click on a row in the user table. The latter is then highlighted (green color). Then click the “Edit” button to the toolbar, which causes the display of the edit form of the corresponding user.

All user settings are editable. Click the “Save” button to save the changes, which will be reported in a green band at the top of the screen.

Edit user window


Changing the user group changes its rights

Delete User

To delete a user, click the corresponding line of the table and click the “Remove” button. This causes the display to delete a user form, shown below.

Delete user window

Click the “Delete” button to delete the user from the database.


Deleting a user is final!

Add Group

To create a new user group, please click on the tab “Groups” on top of the user management window, then click the “Add” button on the toolbar. This causes the display of the add form of a group, shown below.

Add user group window




Defines the group name


Defines the group with a short sentence

Admin access

Defines whether the group has administrative access

Super Admin

Defines if the group has a super administrator access

Please complete all fields listed in the table above, then click on the “Add” button. This causes disparission form, adding the group in the table and then reload the page. Reopen the user management window and the “Group” tab to see the addition of the new group.


Adding users when creating the group is optional


Groups with the **Super Admin ** parameter checked are super administrators, so they have full access to the setup and user management.

Edit a group

To edit a group, click on a line in the corresponding table. The latter is then highlighted (blue color). Then click the “Edit” button to the toolbar, which causes the display of the edit form of the corresponding user group.

All group settings are editable. Click the “Save” button to save the changes.

Edit user group window

Remove Group

To delete a user group, click on the corresponding line of the table and click the “Remove” button. This causes the display to delete a user group form, as shown below.

Delete user group window

The group name is specified in a text field, click the “Remove” button to remove the group. This causes the closure of the window, delete the group in the table and then reload the page.


Deleting a user group is final!