The Manager Module

The Manager module is presented in this section and it looks like the following, when opened for the first time after following the instructions.

Manager UI

The Data Layers panel

The Data Layers panel is the left-side panel and contains two elements:
  • A map gesture toolbar

  • A tree presenting your layers list


For each MapMint map there is a configuration file which is a MapServer mapfile

Open a Map

To open an existing map, simply click on the button presented below and the Open Map window presented below to let you choose one amongst the listed ones.



open map window

Open an existing map

From this window, if you click on the Open button, your Manager will be reloaded using the choosen map.

Open map window

Save a map

To save your current map, you should click on the Save button in the toolbar. You can use the text field to save your map using a different name.

Open map window


The map name should not contain any space, accent or any special character.

You are now invited to name your map Sample1, then save it. Your Manager module will be reloaded and it will display the map name as set by you.


Each time you open a map using the Open in Manager button as you did previously, the first step is to save your map with a correct name. The Untitled_0 is the default temporary name given each time an adminstrator is opening a layer in the Manager from the Distiller module.

Layers tree

Just on top of your layers tree, you have access to the specific layers toolbar which gives you access to the following options.



Add layer icon

Add a Layer to the tree

Add graticule icon

Add a GRID layer to the map

Set layer order icon

Set layer order

If you right click on a layer, then you will get access to the following tools:



Zoom to extent icon

Zoom to the data source extent

View table icon

Open the attributes tables

View properties icon

Open the Properties window

Set template icon

Open the window for deleting the layer from the current map

Map viewer

The Map viewer is the right panel where the map and potential layer (if any is activated) is displayed. You can choose which base layers you want to use by using the toolbar on the right side on top of the map.



Color baselayer icon

Use a unique color as base layer

MapQuest street baselayer icon

Use MapQuest Street as base layer (no more available)

MapQuest satellite baselayer icon

Use MapQuest Satellite as base layer (no more available)

OpenStreetMap baselayer icon

Use OpenStreetMap as base layer

Add Layers

By pressing the button Add Layer, you have then a window like the one presented below which lets you choose the data store first, then the list of layers available in it and finally, the place in the tree where you want your layer to be added.

Manager Add Layer UI part


If a layer is added directly at the root level, so as a child of the root node (Layers), then it won’t be available in the layer switcher in the corresponding published web application.

Your objective is to add the elevation data source you used to create elevation_shaded. So, you will first select the NC_Raster, then the data sources listed will be refreshed and then you can select the elevation data source to add it as a new layer to your current map.

Now, you are invited to do the same procedure to add the following layers from the NC_Shapes data store:

  • lakes

  • roadsmajor

  • new_poi_wake


You can use Ctrl + click to select multiple data sources to add them as individual layers to your current map.


If you keep the default value for the Group where your layer will be located, it will signify that this layer won’t be available in the layer switcher in the published application.

Defining Layer Styles

In this section, you will learn how to define the style used to display your data in the final application.


All modifications made to the layer style is automatically saved in the map configuration file, so there is no need for pressing the Save button in the Data Layers toolbar.

Basic raster style

You are invited to right click on the elevation_hillshade layer and after that on the Style item to have a window giving you access to the basic settings for raster data:

  • Resampling method

  • Opacity

  • Legend Type

You should set resampling method to AVERAGE, opacity to 75% and keep the default value for Legend Type (GreyScale), then press the Apply button at the bottom of the form.

Manager Raster Style UI

Classify raster layer

You are now invited to edit the style of the elevation layer of your map. Do as you did before, but set opacity to 50%.

Once you pressed the Apply button, you can now set the Legend Type value to Graduated Symbol, you will automatically see the form updated consequently as presented in the screenshot below.

Manager Raster Style Classes UI

From this form, you can set minimum and maximum value to classify, define min and max color used to generate colors, the band used to classify and finally the number of classes.

By now, let’s start by choosing a minimum and maximum color, set number of classes to 25, then press Classify, you should have similar result as the one above.

Basic vector style

You will start by editing the style of the lakes layer. First of all, you should check the Pattern panel and set its value to 4.0 3.0, then press the Apply button. Now, check also the Hatch fill panel and set the following values:

  • Angle: 45.0

  • Size: 6.0

  • Dash Width: 4.0

Click on the Apply button and you should have the same result as displayed below.

Manager Vector Style Unique Symbol UI

Classify a vector layer

In this section you will create classes based on classification. Classifications presented in this section are using R, you will use the poi_name_wake layer to test this style definition.

Set the Legend Type to Graduated Symbol, choose min and max colors, choose the elev_m field to classify your data, set number of generated classes to 30 and set the discretisation method to quantile, then press the Classify button to have similar result as presented below.

Manager Vector Style Graduated Symbol UI

Before closing this section about Styling, you are invited to apply a style to your roadsmajor layer.

Manager Vector Style UI

Layers properties


For each layer in your map, you are invited to define metadata, for now, you will concentrate on giving a title to your layer, then press the Save button.


Titles will be displayed in the layer tree of the published application only.

You can also define basic OWS Metadata informations for your layers, such as abstract, keywords and fees. other options will be presented in the next sections.

The metadata can be accessed through a simple WMS GetCapabilities request sent to the MapServer engine, like the following:


Queryable layers

You would like to make the final application available to user with an ability to display information in a popup when they move their mouse on top of a feature. To achieve this goal, you first have to declare in the layer’ properties window that you want your poi_names_wake queryable by checking the Query option. Then you should also create a template to display attributes in the popup, as explained in the next step.

You are also invited to check the Search option and select the featurename field as field to run the research. This way you can activate more tools at the next step.

Every time you make a modification to the Layer Properties window you should press the Save button for your modification to take effect.

You are also willing to publish a web application with a tool to draw line and extract the corresponding elevation profile based on a specific raster. To do that, you should activate the Query option to the elevation layer.

Manager Layer General Properties UI

Configure popup window

You are now invited to use the template editor for the new_poi_names_wake layer of your map. You can select fields you want to diaplay by selecting value in the Available fields, you can easily control the way it will be displayed by using WYSIWYG editor. Click on the Save button to save your template.

Manager Vector Template Edition UI


If you need to, you can always edit pure HTML code by clicking on the Source button of the editor.