Panel indicators

The panel indicators Indicators list created by the user by creation date, in the left panel of Module creation indicators.


Add indicator icon

Adds an indicator

Delete indicator icon

Removes an indicator

Add an indicator

To add a new indicator, click on the corresponding icon in the toolbar on the left panel. This opens the window for adding indicators shown below.

Add new indicator

Please specify a name in the text box provided for that purpose and then click on the “Add” button. This causes the closure of the window, adding the indicator to the shaft and reload the panel of the Configuration of Configuring an indicator, to the right of the screen.

Delete an indicator

To remove an existing indicator, please click on the name of an indicator in the tree, then click the delete icon in the toolbar on the left panel. This opens the blanking window of indicators illustrated below.

Delete indicator indicator

Click the “Delete” button. This causes the closure of the window and the removal of the indicator shaft.


Deleting an indicator equivalent to delete the corresponding mapfile.


Deleting an indicator is permanent and irreversible.