Panel topics

A theme is a set of applications with a common theme. The created themes are used to filter the display of overview maps images in the public interface.

Icône Action
Add indicator icon

Adds a new theme

Delete indicator icon

Removes a theme

Add a new topic

To add a new topic, click on the correspodante icon in the toolbar on the left menu. This shows the addition of themes form as shown below.

Add new theme

Please specify a name in the text box provided for that purpose and then click on the “Add” button. This causes the form are gone, adding the topic to the shaft and reload the panel: doc: infopanel to the right of the screen.

Delete a theme

To delete an existing topic, click on the theme name in the tree, then click the icon to delete in the toolbar on the left menu. This displays the theme of removing form as shown below.

Delete indicator indicator

Click the “Delete” button. This causes the form are gone and deleting the subject of the table.


Removing a theme is permanent and irreversible